Their book began on a rainy Saturday in 1997, when journalists from all over the world gathered around one table to discuss how their profession is disappearing from the world of communication. Kovach and Rosenstiel quote U.S Senator John McCain when he was a prisoner in war in Hanoi. McCain had written that he did not miss comfort, food, freedom, or even his family and friends. “The thing I missed most was information – free uncensored, undistorted, abundant information,” wrote McCain. This shows the paramount importance of quenching our thirst for awareness; news.
Before joining this program, I had no idea what journalism was. Now, I think I better understanding the profession – and it is because Ms. Mariya teaches us so wonderfully. Kovach and Rosenstiel had presented a broader view of journalism, the difficulties faced and yet to be faced by journalists, mysteries and findings from their research and survey. I think journalism is the first way to get attached to the world. We rely on journalism to get detailed knowledge about what is happening in the world, what the rulers of our country are doing, and what new inventions and technologies are coming out. We get our information from television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. I must say: although being a journalist is very tough, it is a thrill to obtain news from all over the world without leaving home.
By Hira Abid
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